Monday, March 7, 2011

Regionals Report: 3/5/11 Burnsville, MN

They were only giving out invitations to the top24 duelists; 180+ Duelists, 8 rounds of swiss.

Round 1: Anti-Meta (Me) vs Gravekeepers

Round 2: Anti-Meta (Me) vs Destiny Zero Diva

Round 3: Anti-Meta (Me) vs Lightsworn

Round 4: Anti-Meta (Me) vs Chaos Return(?)

Round 5: Anti-Meta (Me) vs Blackwings

Round 6: Anti-Meta (Me) vs Gravekeepers

Round 7: Anti-Meta (Me) vs Destiny Zero Diva

Round 8: Anti-Meta (Me) vs Karakuri OTK


I went 5-3, my first 2 losts were on tables 1 and 2 during round 8. At the end of the day I was ranked at 26/180+. I would've had round 8 won but I miss played. He had a Dandylion set along with one set S/T. I had a Doomcaliber Knight faceup and a set 7tools of the bandit, I was on a roll all day in wasting my opponent's s/t with the 7tools + Breaker the magical warrior combo. I had a Breaker in my hand and wanted to make my opponent waste his s/t on my breaker. I dont know why, it could be because of the fact that I only had 4hrs or sleep...So I summoned the Breaker to try to force my opponent to use his S/T but instead, Breaker gets a counter on it and DCK negates it and destroys Breaker which leaves me with nothing on my side of the field except for the useless 7tools of the bandit...I ended and he won during his next turn...


Deck List:
...will upload later...


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