Thursday, July 21, 2011

2011 North American World Championship Qualifier

The 2011 North American World Championship Qualifier was in Pittsburgh, PA on July 15-17. First day has 9 rounds of Swiss round. Anyone who have a record of 19 points or higher will make it to day 2.

With a lot of thoughts, about T.G. Hyper Librarian been legal and the draw power was too good to pass up, I decided to run Junk Doppel for National 2011. Here is my build below:

Monsters: 23

2x Junk Synchron

1x Quickdraw Synchron

2x DoppelWarrior

3x Reborn Tengu

2x Debris Dragon

2x Lonefire Blossom

1x Glow-up Bulb

1x Spore

1x Dandylion

1x Effect Veiler

1x Tragoedia

1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1x Sangan

2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

2x Card Trooper

Spells: 15

2x Tuning

2x Pot of Avarice

1x Monster Reborn

1x Giant Trunade

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x One for One

1x Charge of the Light Brigade

1x Foolish Burial

1x Dark Hole

1x Book of Moon

1x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Lightning Vortex

Traps: 3

1x Solemn Judgment

2x Solemn Warning

The day started out pretty bad. The first 3 rounds I played against Plant Tengu and end up losing to all three.

The hottest card in the tournament was Reborn Tengu.

I had a great experience at National, we met Dan Green the voice of Yugi. Also, check out the pictures below for the 10th Anniversary cards. I believe these are going to be reprint in the near future.


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