Hi everyone, this is Pk here. This past weekend (2/11/2012) I went to Madison, WI. for Regional. There were 198 players. 8 rounds of swiss with top 24 invite. I finished building my Inzektor Wind-Up deck on Friday night. Did not have anytime to test play it or play it in a tournament. But I did test play the deck in Dueling Network with a teammate. Here is my matchup:
Round 1 Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. T.G. Agent (Won) 1-0 Game 1: He summoned Venus and I dropped Maxx "C". He kept going and with Venus and into Gachi Gachi. On my turn I cleared his field and hand and took control of the game. Game 2: He dropped a Maxx "C" to stop my Wind-Up loop. He got out Stardust and control the field. I managed to get rid of the Stardust and almost took the game, but he had Call of the Haunted and a Honest. Game 3: I controlled the field pretty early. He Pot of Duality into a Orange Light and end his turn. I attacked his only monster and Xyz into Wind-Up Carrier, then used Carrier's effect to force him to use his Orange Light so he will have no card in hand. He drew a dead card and I took round 1.
Round 2 Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Inzektor (Won) 2-0 Game 1: He opened with Armageddon Knight, send Hornet to the grave. Set 2 back row and end. I played Heavy Storm, then summon Tour Guide and get Sangan. Reborn his Hornet and Xyz into Wind-Up Carrier. Clear his hand and Attack his Armageddon Knight. Then set my Warning. He drew into a Dragonfly but lost it to my warning. Game 2: It was back and forth with Dragonfly, into Hornet, blow, Centipede, Hornet, blow, search for Dragonfly. Until he was down to 2400. I Xyzed into Number 17 and Attack for game. He was holding a Gorz in his hand and hoping for me not to Xyz.
Round 3 Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Six Samurai (Won) 3-0 Game 1: He went United, Elder, and Kizan on turn 1. He got control throughout the game. Game 2: He took control of the field until he Attacked with Shi En. I chained Fiendish Chain and he negated with Shi En's Effect. Then, I chain Compulsory and bounce his Shi En. On my turn I special summoned Cyber Dragon and start controlling the field. Game 3: He Solemn Judgment and Warning early dropping him down to 2000. He controlled the field for a long time. I was holding in my hand a Penguin Soldier but did not want to use him yet. When I finally set the Penguin Soldier, he Synchro into Shi En and attacked my Penguin. I cleared his monsters with Penguin's Effect. I came back on my turn and took the round.
Round 4 Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Gadget/Plant (Won) 4-0 Game 1: Inzektor with Wind-Up Loop = No Field and No Hand. Game 2: Inzektor control with Monster Reborn Machina Fortress.
Round 5 Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Anti-Meta (Adam) (Won) 5-0 Game 1: Adam started with Thunder King and tons of back row. No where to run. Game 2: I sided in 3 Royal Decree. Locked Adam's five back row cards. Game 3: He still set five back row. I still Royal Decree on him. But he manage to destroy my Royal Decree with Wind-Up Zenmaines's Effect. I special summoned Cyber Dragon hoping he would not Solemn Warning it. Adam let it go and I contacted into Chimeratech. But lost it to Warning. (He forgot about Zenmaines being a Machine), I got control of the field and won.
Round 6 Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Wind-Up (Draw)5-0-1 Game 1: Took a long time. I drew into all my hand trap cards. He had no monster but 5 back row. But he end up taking my LP down to zero. Game 2: Same thing happen, but this time he turn his Wind-Up Shark into LV5 and XYZ into Tiras, Keeper of Genesis. I flooded the field with Hornet equip with Mantis, Number 20, Number 17, and Wind-Up Zenmanines. Time was called. Then, I Pot of Avarice and drew into Compulsory. I won and we both got a draw.
Round 7 Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Agent (Won) 6-0-1 Game 1: Wind-Up Loop = No hand. Game. Game 2: I stopped his Venus with Maxx "C". Field and hand control for game.
Round 8: Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Chaos (Kris) (Won) 7-0-1 Game 1: The game was back and forth. But I took the game. When siding for game 2, all I saw was Breaker, Effect Veiler, Maxx "C" and Chaos Sorcerer. Game 2: He controlled the field and won. Game 3: I controlled the field with Dark Armed Dragon and won. He told me he had Maxx "C" and D.D. Crow in hand and can't do anything on DAD. It was pretty fun to face a friend in Table 1.
Top 8 Inzektor WInd-Up (me) Vs. Wind-Up (Same Guy/deck in round 6) Won Game 1: Maxx "C" came out fast and stopped his Wind-Up Loop. Giving me the win. Game 2: My LP was at 6400 and his at 6600. He has a Tiras, Keeper of Genesis, 1 trap/spell and 1 card in hand. I have a Chimeratech. He top deck a Wind-Up Rat and when crazy and win. Game 3: Royal Decree, DAD, and Number 17 to control the field. I destroyed my Royal Decree with DAD's effect so that my Warning will be alive. He summon Wind-Up Rat and lost to my warning. He dark hole. We end up top decking but I have Dragonfly and Wind-up Rat for the win.
The tournament was great and I have a lot of fun. I played against so many different decks. Here is the deck list:
Monsters: 23
3x Inzektor Dragonfly 3x Inzektor Centipede 3x Inzektor Hornet 1x Inzektor Giga-Mantis 3x Tour Guide From the Underworld 1x Sangan 2x Wind-Up Rat 1x Wind-Up Hunter 1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness 1x Dark Armed Dragon 3x Maxx "C" 1x Effect Veiler
Spells: 9
1x Monster Reborn 1x Dark Hole 1x Heavy Storm 3x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Foolish Burial 1x Pot of Avarice 1x Allure of Darkness
Each pack contains 5 cards:
-1 Rare Card (With gloss white or black title Like Duelist League Rare Cards)
-1 Special Card (Similar to Parrallel Rare Cards)
-3 Common Cards
Set includes 220 Cards:
-55 Rare Cards
-165 Common Cards
-All 220 Cards are available as Special Shiny Cards
Gem-Knight Pearl
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
Tour Guide From the Underworld (Rare)
Backup Warrior
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Raiza the Storm Monarch
Pot of Avarice
Skull Archfiend of Lightning (Rare)
Obelisk the Tormentor (Rare)
Raigeki (Rare)
Metal Reflect Slime (Rare)
Witch of the Black Forest (Rare)
Dark Bribe (Rare)
Greenkappa (Common
Penguin Soldier (Common)
Axe of Despair (Common)
Forbidden Lance (Common)
Reckless Greed (Common)
Half or Nothing (Common)
Power Frame (Common)
Liberty at Last! (Common)
Luster Dragon (Common)
Vampire Lord (Common)
Toon Gemini Elf (Common)
Guardian Sphinx (Common)
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch (Common)
The Tricky (Common)
Doomcaliber Knight (Common)
Card Trooper (Common)
Ancient Gear Knight (Common)
Arcana Force XIV – Temperance (Common)
Backup Warrior (Common)
Power Giant (Common)
Gogogo Golem (Common)
Wind-Up Warrior (Common)
Giant Soldier of Stone (Common)
Muka Muka (Common)
Makyura the Destructor (Common)
Stealth Bird (Common)
Night Assailant (Common)
Drillroid (Common)
Cyber Valley (Common)
Fabled Raven (Common)
Naturia Strawberry (Common)
Gagaga Magician (Common)
Psi-Blocker (Common)
Dark Resonator
Blizzard Dragon
Gravitic Orb
And 6 other Xyz Monsters