Monday, January 30, 2012
Box Tourney Report @ Lan World Gaming! 1/29/12
Deck: Inzektor Wind-Ups
Place: 1st! <-- OH YEAH BABY! lol jk.
26 Duelists
5 rounds of swiss - cut to Top8
Round 1 vs Tony X. (Inzektor Wind-Ups) OO
Game1: I won dice roll and started out with -5 in his hand because of Pot Of Avarice then -1 on his field in turn 2 with DAD + Leviair + friends = he scooped.
Game2: DD Crow his Hunter and countered him with my sided cards for the win.
Round 2 vs TeamKhang_CNK >.< (T.G. Stun) OO
We both talked it through like gentle mans and he agreed that if I was his tie-breaker he would have a better chance of getting top 8. CNK = very smart man!
Round 3 vs Lou Y. (Inzektor Wind-Ups) OXO
Game 1: It started slow but it ended up with me on without 0LP.
Game 2: We were able to stop each other's plays but he had the better counter cards that he opened with.
Game 3: DD Crow and Mirror of Oaths was nice to me. He sent Hornet from Dragonfly to destroy my monster, s/s Centipede and I play Mirror of Oaths to get a +1, got rid of his Dragonfly then later DD Crow his Hunter and avoided hand destruction for the win.
Round 4 vs Guy...(Zombie Plants - similar to PK's build) XOX
Game 1: I opened bad so he rushed for game.
Game 2: I destruct his hand and control board for game.
Game 3: It came down to 2 cards in my hand (MST + Hornet) and 2 cards on his side of the board (Debris Dragon, Librarian and 1 set S/T). During my DP I drew into Centipede; I was contemplating on either playing MST or not because I thought it may have been a CotH and didnt want him to get a +1 since he had a Goblin Zombie in his grave so I decided to not play MST yet and to go ahead and just normal summon Centipede. When I did, he activated Compulsory Evacuation Device and I scooped to him. :(
Round 5 vs James (T.G. Stun) OO
Game 1: Wind-Ups -3 in his hand then Inzektors control board ftw.
Game 2: Royal Decree did most of the support for my Inzektor control. However I think he just didnt want to carry the undefeated curse into Top8. ;)
Top 8 vs Houawa (Monster Madness!) OO (this was a rematch from the Wednesday Tourney)
Game 1: He was able to pull off some pretty good plays but because I had my Trap support I was able to win.
Game 2: He opened with Venus, pulled out 3x Shine Balls and went into Gachi, stalled me for a bit and I took a bit of damage from his Gallis Star Beast burns but I was able to wait it out and draw my Hornet to get a good comback by clearing his field and hand to win it.
Top 4 vs TeamKhang_CNK (T.G. Stun) XOO (we were playing forrealz this time)
Game 1: He won the dice roll, set a bunch in the s/t zone with a face up Rhino. I had nothing to stop him even though I tried to pull a victory out of my ass that didnt work...
Game 2: Before G2 started, he asked me to play serious. We started off kinda slow but by turn 3 I was able to start clearing his field and controlled his hand ftw.
Game 3: I opened with Royal Decree including my Inzektors and even though I went 2nd, Decree was able to stop all his traps by turn 3 before I made my Inzektor plays. Luckily he didnt have any MST. I controlled and still destroyed his trap cards even though he couldnt put them in play because I didnt want him to top deck a heavy storm or MST. He also forgot to drop TG Warwolf when I did my Wind-Up plays so it was GG for him.
Playing for 1st vs Andrew (Wind-ups) OXO
Game 1: He attempts to control my hand first turn since he won the dice roll but luckily I opened with a Maxx "C" to stop his play and came back with my own combo. Had kind of a broken hand which consist of Hornet, Dragonfly, Foolish Burial, Pot of Avarice and Instant Fusion...So you know what happened.
Game 2: He didnt open into his Wind-Up plays at all however he opened with 2 Maxx "C" and was able to stop all my plays. It was a struggling war and he won G2.
Game 3: I was able to control early in game however I couldnt end the game as he keep top decking into Rats and Wind-up Warriors which was stronger than my Hunter and ZenMaighties. He had the upper hand with Warrior and Zenmaighty, however I top decked into Tour Guide and went into Zenmaines to clear his field. Next turn he responded with cyber dragon + Shark = Tirus, Keeper of Armageddon. I took a few blows but when Tirus was all out of materials, I was able to come back and win with Dragonfly + Hornet that was in my grave.
Results, 4-1 in swiss rounds, took 1st in top8, ORCS sealed box as prize!
Overall thoughts; I played all good decks! I'm very satisfied with my current build. Compulsory Evac and PWWB helped me A LOT throughout the day. During Round 3 I was able to Compulsory Lou's Zenmaines to get a comeback. In Round 1 I PWWB Tony's Wind-Up Hunter and left him with a Rat in defense mode. I love using these two cards because they kinda have a "What?" or a "uMad bro?" response after activation which also = :) for me...
Advice, try the deck out. There are a lot of plays to make and dont auto pilot it! Even though it's kind of auto-pilot...
Whats next? I've been thinking about making a full Inzektor build that seem to have caught my interest that I've also been testing. LMK if you guys are interested in Inzektor OTK?!
Inzektor Wind-Up Update!
I've made some minor changes since the "How To Stop Inzektors" video. I actually incorporated some of those cards in that video into my side deck only. I kept everything the same in the main deck because I felt it was flowing with consistency and didnt need anything to be changed. So here is the Side Deck list for that change...
Thunder King Rai-Oh x2
Snowman Eater
Penguin Soldier
Maxx "C"
D.D. Crow x2
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dimensional Fissure x2
Mirror of Oaths x2
Royal Decree x3
The only changes I made were taking out the side against any machine decks which were the Cyber Dragons + Chimeratech Dragon and added in the 3rd Royal Decree and the 2 Mirror of Oaths. I'm actually glad I did those side changes because I used the Oaths' a lot and I ended up using the Decrees alot at the end too.
Some thoughts before I get into the box tourney report; lets talk about siding in D. Fissure when going up against the mirror for a min here. Dimensional Fissure can actually be a pretty good card to side in! 'Why' or 'how' you ask? Well, your opponent will most likely side in Effect Veilers or Maxx "C" so they can hope to stop you! I know what you're thinking and thats why I said "OR" because I've seen some of these builds on the internet and some duelist prefer 2/3 Effect Veilers over Max "C" and vise-versa.
Anyways, back to the point of Difi (will from now on be short for Dimensional Fissure because its too long to type all that!) being sided in against the mirror, your opponent will do whatever that is necessary to stop your Dragonfly/Centipede plays and the only cards that they have in mind are cards that activate from the hand so they either get a + or you get a -.
A lot of other players are siding in DD Crow now too.
Back to subject, before making any plays, first thing you want to do is make sure Difi is active on the board! In other words, put it in play before you do anything...after you activate Difi, start your Dragonfly play and let it rip your opponent's field! They will hate having Maxx "C"/Effect Veiler/DD Crow in their hand as they get to watch you rape them with your bugs! Ofcourse if you're like me you would want to attack the hand right after clearing the field in case of Gorz/Tragoedia/Battle Fader. After doing all that, its pretty much SP (Scoop Phase) for them.
Next time, I'll make a video on advance tech cards for the meta and why the old popular cards just don't work anymore. Until then, have fun!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Vol. 8: Bararoid, The Ultimate Battle Machine
Monday, January 16, 2012
Order of Chaos Spoiler
Ghost Rare (1)
ORCS-EN040 Number C39: Utopia Ray
Secret Rares (8)
ORCS-EN003 Gagaga Girl
ORCS-EN046 Inzektor Exa-Beetle
ORCS-EN076 Xyz Reborn
ORCS-EN084 White Dragon Ninja
ORCS-EN086 Tour Bus From the Underworld
ORCS-EN097 Driven Daredevil
ORCS-EN098 Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh
ORCS-EN099 M-X-Saber Invoker
Ultra/Ultimate Rares (10)
ORCS-EN021 Inzektor Giga-Mantis
ORCS-EN029 Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo
ORCS-EN039 Twin Photon Lizard
ORCS-EN040 Number C39: Utopia Ray
ORCS-EN042 Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja
ORCS-EN043 Number 96: Dark Mist
ORCS-EN045 Evolzar Solda
ORCS-EN044 Wiind-Up Zenmaity
ORCS-EN054 Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber
ORCS-EN066 Xyz Reflect
Super Rares (14)
ORCS-EN000 Inzektor Axe - Zektahawk
ORCS-EN017 Inzektor Hornet
ORCS-EN023 Wind-Up Rat
ORCS-EN037 Darkstorm Dragon
ORCS-EN041 Blade Armor Ninja
ORCS-EN051 Armor Ninjitsu Art of Alchemy
ORCS-EN053 Armor Blast
ORCS-EN057 Evo-Force
ORCS-EN059 Creeping Darkness
ORCS-EN069 Armor Ninjitsu Art of Rust Mist
ORCS-EN075 Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation
ORCS-EN082 Wind-Up Shark
ORCS-EN083 Evoltile Najash
ORCS-EN095 Dark Diviner
Rares (20)
ORCS-EN004 Gogogo Giant
ORCS-EN005 ZW - Unicorn Spear
ORCS-EN007 Photon Lizard
ORCS-EN008 Photon Trasher
ORCS-EN012 Reverse Buster
ORCS-EN020 Inzektor Dragonfly
ORCS-EN026 Evoltile Casinerio
ORCS-EN034 Dark Blade the Captain of the Evil World
ORCS-EN048 Gagagabolt
ORCS-EN055 Weights & Zenmaisures
ORCS-EN060 Shrine of Mist Valley
ORCS-EN065 Gagagaguard
ORCS-EN070 Inzektor Orb
ORCS-EN077 Over Capacity
ORCS-EN079 Royal Prison
ORCS-EN081 Inzektor Hopper
ORCS-EN088 Evo-Instant
ORCS-EN089 Ninhitsu Art of Duplication
ORCS-EN090 White Night Queen
ORCS-EN096 Dark Flattop
Complete Set:
ORCS-EN000 Inzektor Axe - Zektahawk (Super)
ORCS-EN001 Kurivolt
ORCS-EN002 Darklon
ORCS-EN003 Gagaga Girl (Secret)
ORCS-EN004 Gogogo Giant
ORCS-EN005 ZW - Unicorn Spear (Rare)
ORCS-EN006 Sharktopus
ORCS-EN007 Photon Lizard
ORCS-EN008 Photon Thrasher
ORCS-EN009 Photon Crusher
ORCS-EN010 Photon Leo (Rare)
ORCS-EN011 Photon Circle
ORCS-EN012 Reverse Buster
ORCS-EN013 Flame Armor Ninja
ORCS-EN014 Air Armor Ninja
ORCS-EN015 Aqua Armor Ninja
ORCS-EN016 Earth Armor Ninja
ORCS-EN017 Inzektor Hornet (Super)
ORCS-EN018 Inzektor Ant
ORCS-EN019 Inzektor Centipede
ORCS-EN020 Inzektor Dragonfly (Rare)
ORCS-EN021Inzektor Giga-Mantis (Ultra/Ultimate)
ORCS-EN022 Inzektor Giga-Weevil
ORCS-EN023 Wind-Up Rat (Super)
ORCS-EN024 Wind-Up Honeybee
ORCS-EN025 Evoltile Pleuros
ORCS-EN026 Evoltile Casinerio
ORCS-EN027 Evolsaur Elias
ORCS-EN028 Evolsaur Terias
ORCS-EN029 Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo (Ultra/Ultimate)
ORCS-EN030 Masked Ninja Ebisu
ORCS-EN031 Upstart Golden Ninja
ORCS-EN032 Chow Len the Prophet
ORCS-EN033 Familiar-Possessed-Dharc
ORCS-EN034 Dark Blade the Captain of the Evil World (Rare)
ORCS-EN035 Trance Archfiend
ORCS-EN036 Divine Dragon Apocalypse
ORCS-EN037 Darkstorm Dragon
ORCS-EN038 Numen Erat Testudo
ORCS-EN039 Twin Photon Lizard
ORCS-EN040 Number C39: Utopia Ray (Ultra/Ultimate/Ghost)
ORCS-EN041 Blade Armor Ninja (Super)
ORCS-EN042 Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja (Ultra/Ultimate)
ORCS-EN043 Number 96: Bark Mist
ORCS-EN044 Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity (Ultra/Ultimate)
ORCS-EN045 Evolzar Solda
ORCS-EN046 Inzektor Exa-Beetle (Secret)
ORCS-EN047 Full-Force Strike
ORCS-EN048 Gagagabolt (Rare)
ORCS-EN049 Double Defender
ORCS-EN050 Galaxy Storm
ORCS-EN051 Armor Ninjitsu Art of Alchemy
ORCS-EN052 Star Light, Star Bright
ORCS-EN053 Armor Blast
ORCS-EN054 Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber
ORCS-EN055 Weights & Zenmaisures
ORCS-EN056 Primordial Soup
ORCS-EN057 Evo-Force
ORCS-EN058 Dark Mambele
ORCS-EN059 Creeping Darkness
ORCS-EN060 Shrine of Mist Valley
ORCS-EN061 Xyz Burst
ORCS-EN062 Galaxy Wave
ORCS-EN063 Dicephoon
ORCS-EN064 Counterforce
ORCS-EN065 Gagagaguard (Rare)
ORCS-EN066 Xyz Reflect
ORCS-EN067 Splash Capture
ORCS-EN068 Armor Ninjitsu Art of Freezing
ORCS-EN069 Armor Ninjitsu Art of Rust Mist
ORCS-EN070 Inzektor Orb
ORCS-EN071 Variable Form
ORCS-EN072 Zenmailstorm
ORCS-EN073 Degen-Force
ORCS-EN074 Evo-Branch
ORCS-EN075 Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation (Super)
ORCS-EN076 Xyz Reborn
ORCS-EN077 Over Capacity
ORCS-EN078 The Huge Revolution is Over
ORCS-EN079 Royal Prison
ORCS-EN080 Sealing Ceremony of Katon
ORCS-EN081 Inzektor Hopper (Rare)
ORCS-EN082 WInd-Up Shark (Super)
ORCS-EN083 Evoltile Najasho (Super)
ORCS-EN084 White Dagon Ninja (Secret)
ORCS-EN085 Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon
ORCS-EN086 Tour Bus From the Underworld (Secret)
ORCS-EN087 Photon Trident
ORCS-EN088 Evo-Instant (Rare)
ORCS-EN089 Ninjitsu Art of Duplication
ORCS-EN090 White Night Queen (Rare)
ORCS-EN091 Danipon
ORCS-EN092 Sweet Corn
ORCS-EN093 Vampire Koala
ORCS-EN094 Koalo-Koala
ORCS-EN095 Dark Diviner (Super)
ORCS-EN096 Dark Flattop (Ultra/Ultiamte)
ORCS-EN097 Driven Dardevil (Secret)
ORCS-EN098 Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh (Secret)
ORCS-EN099 M X-Saber Invoker (Secret)
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Order of Chaos - Special Edition

Each Box Comes with 3 booster packs of Order of Chaos, Plus 1 of 2 Super Rare Variant Cards:
ORCS-ENSE? Effect Veiler
ORCS-ENSE? The Winged Dragon of Ra
Release: March 6, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Turbo Pack: Booster Seven
Ultimate Rare (1/1):
TU07-EN000 Ally of Justice Catastor
Ultra Rare (1/1):
TU07-EN001 Book of Moon
Super Rare (4/4):
TU07-EN002 Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
TU07-EN003 Yellow Gadget
TU07-EN004 X-Saber Pashuul
TU07-EN005 Horn of the Phantom Beast
Rare (6/6):
TU07-EN006 Dark Horus
TU07-EN007 Lightning Warrior
TU07-EN00? Big Evoution Pill
TU07-EN00? Primal Seed
TU07-EN010 Tail Swipe
TU07-EN011 Geartown
Commons (9/9):
TU07-EN012 Seiyaryu
TU07-EN013 Serpen Night Dragon
TU07-EN014 Kotodama
TU07-EN015 Gokipon
TU07-EN016 Goe Goe the Gallant Ninja
TU07-EN017 Herald of Orange Light
TU07-EN018 Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
TU07-EN019 Ninjitsu Art of Transformation
TU07-EN020 Ninjitsu Art of Decoy