Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Madison, WI Regional 11/10/2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Structure Deck - Onslaught of the Fire Kings
Abyss Rising - Special Edition
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Cosmo Blazer
Yugioh Collectible Tins Wave 2
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Vol. 3 Manga Promo
Shonen Jump Alpha Promo
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Abyss Rising - Sneak Preview
Friday, September 14, 2012
The Seal of Orichalcos
Monday, September 10, 2012
Regional Report 9/08/2012 Lan World, MN
Friday, August 17, 2012
Sept. 2012 Banlist:
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Structure Deck - Realm of the Sea Emperor
Friday, July 20, 2012
Abyss Rising
Monday, July 16, 2012
Shonen Jump Alpha Promo
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World
Monday, July 2, 2012
Gold Series: Haunted Mine
Release Date: June 12, 2012
Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Vol.1
Return of the Duelist
Warrior/Effect/Light/ Level 4
ATK/ 1900 DEF/500
Ultra Rare/Super Rare
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Samurai Warlord - Structure Deck
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
2012 Collectible Tin
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Regional Recap 3/10/2012
Regional in Maplewood, MN (Hosted by LAN World)
I entered the event using Wind-Up Deck. There was 265 players at the event with 9 swiss rounds and top 32 invite. I end with 10th place.
Round One
Wind-up (me) vs. Exodia (Won) 1-0
Game 1: Hand control and found out he was running Exodia.
Game 2: I sided in Spirit to help with the hand control. He ran out of stall cards and have to start using his Exodia pieces.
Round Two
Wind-Up (me) vs. Wind-Up (Won) 2-0
Game 1: I started first and set 2 back row and End. He Summoned WInd-Up Shark into another Wind-Up Shark. Change LV into LV5 and Xyz's into Tiras but lost Tiras to my Solemn Warning. After that I controlled the field.
Game 2: I opened with a Maxx "C" and Effect Veiler. Stopped his Loop and took control.
Round Three
WInd-Up(Me) vs. Evolsaur (Won) 3-0
Game 1: Hand Control Loop = Game
Game 2: It was pretty close. I was down to 2500LP left and let him special summon Evolsaur Diplo and destroy my Solemn Warning. When he attacked with Evolsaur Diplo, I special summon Gorz and change the game around.
Round Four
Wind-Up (me) vs. T.G. Skill Drain (Won) 4-0
Game 1: I controlled the game early. Shut down his skill drain with MST.
Game 2: He took control of the field early with heavy back row. Got him down to 3100LP but was not enough to finish him.
Game 3: I started out with Wind-Up Rabbit and start using the Wind-Up beat down. I shut down his traps with Royal Decree.
Round Five:
Wind-Up (me) vs. Six Samurai (Won) 5-0
Game 1: He played Kizan, played Asceticism of the Six Samurai to get Zanji. Then Xyz into Number 39: Utopia. I did my Wind-Up Loop and have a field full of monsters. Then I Mind Control his Utopia and turn it into my Utopia Ray. Field: Number 30, 3 Wind-Up Carrier, and Utopia Ray = Game.
Game 2: Game two was similar to game one. But this time he took my LP down to 3900. But I came back with the similar combo for game.
Round Six
Wind-Up (me) vs. Rabbit Dino (Lost) 5-1
Game 1: He took control with Laggia early.
Game 2: Wind-Up hand control loop + Pot of Avarice = Game
Game 3: I swarm the field with Number 30 and 3 Wind-up Carrier dropping him down to 2000LP. He came back with special summon Cyber Dragon and I activated Book of Moon, but he had a Forbidden Lance. He OTK me after that.
Round Seven
Wind-Up (me) vs. Gravekeeper (Lost) 5-2
Game 1: When I have control of the field, he Pot of Duality into a Gravekeeper Stele. I was having trouble getting through the Gravekeeper Spy's.
Game 2: I swarm the field with Wind-Up and attack for game.
Game 3: We both Solemn Judgment. But I was having a hard time getting through the Greavekeeper Spy's. This is why I need to side in Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror (This card will help against Dark World, Inzektor, and Gravekeeper. Keep this in mind).
Round Eight
Wind-Up (me) vs. Ninja Dino (Won) 6-2
Game 1: Back and forth, I got the win. He was holding a White Dragon Ninja in his hand the whole time (Dead Card).
Game 2: He lock me with Dolkka.
Game 3: Was back and forth again. I was at 2700LP and he was at 750LP. He Special Summon a Cyber Dragon but lost to my bottomless. I took the game after that. He was holding a BLS in his hand hoping I would Solemn Warning the Cyber Dragon to give him a Light monster in the Graveyard. But I have bottomless which stop him from getting BLS to the field.
Round Nine
WInd-Up(me) vs. Wind-Up (Won) 7-2
Game 1: He had 2 factory on the field. Every time I attempt to Special Summon he Drop a Maxx "C". His hand was full of cards and his Wind-Up deck was stack with Marauding Captain and E-Tele. Those cards help him with more plays. He even get out a Brio and bounce my Tiras.
Game 2: Control his hand and got out Tiras.
Game 3: He played Solemn Warning early dropping him down to 6000LP. I saw a open play and turn my field into 3 Wind-Up Carrier and Wind-Up Zenmines and attack for game.
It was a long day, I went 7-2 and took 10th place. Did not make it to Top 8. I noticed that my opponent would put their hand down and wait for me to get the hand loop on them. Making me feel like I should just pay attention to the hand loop. But, I change my build so I would not get stop by Maxx "C" and Effect Veiler. When playing the hand control loop and your opponent drop a Maxx "C" or Effect Veiler on you, then you are pretty much done and you will be holding onto cards that can't do much. That is the reason why I did not run any Wind-Up Magician. But after today, I will be adding in a Wind-Up Magician to help me get the loop faster and easier. I would of won some of these match faster if I would have the loop early. Many players don't own a Maxx "C" so I would be fine in most part. But when I attend YCS, I will have to make sure Maxx "C" will not be a problem. Over all, Regional was great. Wind-Up was fun and I had a great time. Check Below for the Deck List:
Monsters: 24
3x Wind-Up Rabbit
3x Wind-Up Shark
3x Wind-Up Rat
1x Wind-Up Hunter
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld
3x Effect Veiler
3x Maxx "C"
2x Thunder King Rai-Oh
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
1x Sangan
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Spells: 11
1x Heavy Storm
1x Book of Moon
1x Monster Reborn
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Dark Hole
1x Mind Control
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Wind-up Factory
Traps: 7
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Torrential Tribute
2x Fiendish Chain
Monday, March 12, 2012
Regionals 3/10/11 Report!
Deck: Inzektorz
Duelists: 265
Rank: 1st
R1 vs Worms OXO
G1: inzektor rushed for otk
G2: dragonfly got hot by Effect Veiler and lost.
G3: Royal Decree first turn with Centipede equipped with Hornet, rushed for otk turn 2.
R2 vs Machina OXO
G1: compulsory his Fortress, MST his set and rushed for game.
G2: another Effect Veiler from opponent for game loss.
G3: gain +2 from Zenmaines then it went downhill for opponent. Slow win.
R3 vs Inzektors OXO
G1: turn 2 otk.
G2: open bad and he slowly won.
G3: won with Centipede + compulse. Compulsory on his Dragonfly, he respond Forbidden Lance and couldn't equip hornet. He had to end turn and I rushed for game next turn.
R4 vs Wind-Ups OXO
G1: otk without seeing opponents deck.
G2: random sides went in deck. Slowly lost to windup soldier.
G3: Was Epic! He removed a lot of my stuff. Luckily I saved dragonfly and hornet in hand. Mst his set s/t and rushed for -79lp. He was top decking and topped solemn judgment. We shook hands afterwards.
R5 vs Inzektors OO -Deck Checked!
G1: he started slow with a set Fiendish Chain. I summoned dragonfly to play the effect, he chained fiendish chain while I responded with MST. I also had a Weevil in hand do I rushed with otk.
G2: his mystic tomato couldn't help him. He played mind control on my centipede that's equipped with my hornet and couldn't do anything. I also had a DD Crow + Veiler in hand to stop his Dragonfly. He had no monsters in hand and lost the next round.
R6 vs Dark World OXO
G1: I knew what he was playing. I won the coin toss. I went first. First turn I +5. Swarmed the field with 4 monsters one of which is Exa-Beetle and had 5 s/t in the zone with 1 card from hand. I did this so he wouldn't get advantage with his hand control spell cards. He had card destruction but it didn't help him.
G2: he opened card destruction and went all out because I did it in G1. I couldn't recover and lost to his double Grapha.
G3: slow control and he did a lot of misplays. Those misplays allowed me to win the match. He didn't Veiler my TGU, he didn't chain Smog when I played Decree and my Dimensional Fissure stopped his Veilers.
R7 vs Dino Rabbit XOO
G1: he opened with 2 rabbits + Guiba and S/T support. It was all downhill for me from turn1.
G2: opened BTH, S. Warning, Centipede, Hornet and other cards. Played centipede + hornet and set both traps. Waited for him to drop Rabbit which he did and fell into BTH. I slowly took the 'W' for that game.
G3: he opened with rabbit, I struggled to come back. We both misplayed because I sent my equipped hornet to destroy his face up Macro Cosmos and we continued dueling without noticing it wouldn't work (probably due to pressure if surrounding duelists watching). Warning was given by head judge. I Xyz into Leviair, s/s Centipede from rfg, dropped DAD for the win.
R8 vs Karakuri XX
G1: open with Inzektors but no dragonfly. Struggled and lost slowly.
G2: same as G1 but also open with Maxx C's. It didn't help much and still lost.
R9 vs Chaos OO
G1: controlled the board with inzektor dad then followed up with more bugs.
G2: with Dimensional Fissure from the side, it stopped all his hand trap cards ftw.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Galactic Overload
100-Card Booster set
Release: May 8, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
March 1, 2012 Ban List Confirm
New Forbidden:
Grow-Up Bulb
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trap Dustshoot
New Restriction:
Agent of Mystery, Earth
Tech Genus Striker
New Semi-Restriction:
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Emergency Teleport
Shien's Smoke Signal
Level Limit Area B
Torrential Tribute
Ultimate Offering
Reborn Tengu
No Longer restricted:
Call of the Haunted
Monday, February 13, 2012
Madison, WI Regional 2012 Recap.
Round 1
Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. T.G. Agent (Won) 1-0
Game 1: He summoned Venus and I dropped Maxx "C". He kept going and with Venus and into Gachi Gachi. On my turn I cleared his field and hand and took control of the game.
Game 2: He dropped a Maxx "C" to stop my Wind-Up loop. He got out Stardust and control the field. I managed to get rid of the Stardust and almost took the game, but he had Call of the Haunted and a Honest.
Game 3: I controlled the field pretty early. He Pot of Duality into a Orange Light and end his turn. I attacked his only monster and Xyz into Wind-Up Carrier, then used Carrier's effect to force him to use his Orange Light so he will have no card in hand.
He drew a dead card and I took round 1.
Round 2
Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Inzektor (Won) 2-0
Game 1: He opened with Armageddon Knight, send Hornet to the grave. Set 2 back row and end. I played Heavy Storm, then summon Tour Guide and get Sangan. Reborn his Hornet and Xyz into Wind-Up Carrier. Clear his hand and Attack his Armageddon Knight. Then set my Warning. He drew into a Dragonfly but lost it to my warning.
Game 2: It was back and forth with Dragonfly, into Hornet, blow, Centipede, Hornet, blow, search for Dragonfly. Until he was down to 2400. I Xyzed into Number 17 and Attack for game. He was holding a Gorz in his hand and hoping for me not to Xyz.
Round 3
Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Six Samurai (Won) 3-0
Game 1: He went United, Elder, and Kizan on turn 1. He got control throughout the game.
Game 2: He took control of the field until he Attacked with Shi En. I chained Fiendish Chain and he negated with Shi En's Effect. Then, I chain Compulsory and bounce his Shi En. On my turn I special summoned Cyber Dragon and start controlling the field.
Game 3: He Solemn Judgment and Warning early dropping him down to 2000. He controlled the field for a long time. I was holding in my hand a Penguin Soldier but did not want to use him yet. When I finally set the Penguin Soldier, he Synchro into Shi En and attacked my Penguin. I cleared his monsters with Penguin's Effect. I came back on my turn and took the round.
Round 4
Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Gadget/Plant (Won) 4-0
Game 1: Inzektor with Wind-Up Loop = No Field and No Hand.
Game 2: Inzektor control with Monster Reborn Machina Fortress.
Round 5
Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Anti-Meta (Adam) (Won) 5-0
Game 1: Adam started with Thunder King and tons of back row. No where to run.
Game 2: I sided in 3 Royal Decree. Locked Adam's five back row cards.
Game 3: He still set five back row. I still Royal Decree on him. But he manage to destroy my Royal Decree with Wind-Up Zenmaines's Effect. I special summoned Cyber Dragon hoping he would not Solemn Warning it. Adam let it go and I contacted into Chimeratech. But lost it to Warning. (He forgot about Zenmaines being a Machine), I got control of the field and won.
Round 6
Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Wind-Up (Draw)5-0-1
Game 1: Took a long time. I drew into all my hand trap cards. He had no monster but 5 back row. But he end up taking my LP down to zero.
Game 2: Same thing happen, but this time he turn his Wind-Up Shark into LV5 and XYZ into Tiras, Keeper of Genesis. I flooded the field with Hornet equip with Mantis, Number 20, Number 17, and Wind-Up Zenmanines. Time was called. Then, I Pot of Avarice and drew into Compulsory. I won and we both got a draw.
Round 7
Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Agent (Won) 6-0-1
Game 1: Wind-Up Loop = No hand. Game.
Game 2: I stopped his Venus with Maxx "C". Field and hand control for game.
Round 8:
Inzektor Wind-Up (me) Vs. Chaos (Kris) (Won) 7-0-1
Game 1: The game was back and forth. But I took the game. When siding for game 2, all I saw was Breaker, Effect Veiler, Maxx "C" and Chaos Sorcerer.
Game 2: He controlled the field and won.
Game 3: I controlled the field with Dark Armed Dragon and won. He told me he had Maxx "C" and D.D. Crow in hand and can't do anything on DAD. It was pretty fun to face a friend in Table 1.
Top 8
Inzektor WInd-Up (me) Vs. Wind-Up (Same Guy/deck in round 6) Won
Game 1: Maxx "C" came out fast and stopped his Wind-Up Loop. Giving me the win.
Game 2: My LP was at 6400 and his at 6600. He has a Tiras, Keeper of Genesis, 1 trap/spell and 1 card in hand. I have a Chimeratech. He top deck a Wind-Up Rat and when crazy and win.
Game 3: Royal Decree, DAD, and Number 17 to control the field. I destroyed my Royal Decree with DAD's effect so that my Warning will be alive. He summon Wind-Up Rat and lost to my warning. He dark hole. We end up top decking but I have Dragonfly and Wind-up Rat for the win.
The tournament was great and I have a lot of fun. I played against so many different decks. Here is the deck list:
Monsters: 23
3x Inzektor Dragonfly
3x Inzektor Centipede
3x Inzektor Hornet
1x Inzektor Giga-Mantis
3x Tour Guide From the Underworld
1x Sangan
2x Wind-Up Rat
1x Wind-Up Hunter
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Dark Armed Dragon
3x Maxx "C"
1x Effect Veiler
Spells: 9
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Foolish Burial
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Allure of Darkness
Traps: 9
2x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Trap Dustshoot
2x Fiendish Chain
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
Extra: 15
1x Trishula, of the Ice Barrier
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
1x Wind-Up Zenmanines
3x Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
1x Inzektor Exa-Beetle
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Battle Pack: Epic Dawn

TCG Release: May 28, 2012
Each pack contains 5 cards:
-1 Rare Card (With gloss white or black title Like Duelist League Rare Cards)
-1 Special Card (Similar to Parrallel Rare Cards)
-3 Common Cards
Set includes 220 Cards:
-55 Rare Cards
-165 Common Cards
-All 220 Cards are available as Special Shiny Cards
Gem-Knight Pearl
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
Tour Guide From the Underworld (Rare)
Backup Warrior
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Raiza the Storm Monarch
Pot of Avarice
Skull Archfiend of Lightning (Rare)
Obelisk the Tormentor (Rare)
Raigeki (Rare)
Metal Reflect Slime (Rare)
Witch of the Black Forest (Rare)
Dark Bribe (Rare)
Greenkappa (Common
Penguin Soldier (Common)
Axe of Despair (Common)
Forbidden Lance (Common)
Reckless Greed (Common)
Half or Nothing (Common)
Power Frame (Common)
Liberty at Last! (Common)
Luster Dragon (Common)
Vampire Lord (Common)
Toon Gemini Elf (Common)
Guardian Sphinx (Common)
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch (Common)
The Tricky (Common)
Doomcaliber Knight (Common)
Card Trooper (Common)
Ancient Gear Knight (Common)
Arcana Force XIV – Temperance (Common)
Backup Warrior (Common)
Power Giant (Common)
Gogogo Golem (Common)
Wind-Up Warrior (Common)
Giant Soldier of Stone (Common)
Muka Muka (Common)
Makyura the Destructor (Common)
Stealth Bird (Common)
Night Assailant (Common)
Drillroid (Common)
Cyber Valley (Common)
Fabled Raven (Common)
Naturia Strawberry (Common)
Gagaga Magician (Common)
Psi-Blocker (Common)
Dark Resonator
Blizzard Dragon
Gravitic Orb
And 6 other Xyz Monsters
Monday, January 30, 2012
Box Tourney Report @ Lan World Gaming! 1/29/12
Deck: Inzektor Wind-Ups
Place: 1st! <-- OH YEAH BABY! lol jk.
26 Duelists
5 rounds of swiss - cut to Top8
Round 1 vs Tony X. (Inzektor Wind-Ups) OO
Game1: I won dice roll and started out with -5 in his hand because of Pot Of Avarice then -1 on his field in turn 2 with DAD + Leviair + friends = he scooped.
Game2: DD Crow his Hunter and countered him with my sided cards for the win.
Round 2 vs TeamKhang_CNK >.< (T.G. Stun) OO
We both talked it through like gentle mans and he agreed that if I was his tie-breaker he would have a better chance of getting top 8. CNK = very smart man!
Round 3 vs Lou Y. (Inzektor Wind-Ups) OXO
Game 1: It started slow but it ended up with me on without 0LP.
Game 2: We were able to stop each other's plays but he had the better counter cards that he opened with.
Game 3: DD Crow and Mirror of Oaths was nice to me. He sent Hornet from Dragonfly to destroy my monster, s/s Centipede and I play Mirror of Oaths to get a +1, got rid of his Dragonfly then later DD Crow his Hunter and avoided hand destruction for the win.
Round 4 vs Guy...(Zombie Plants - similar to PK's build) XOX
Game 1: I opened bad so he rushed for game.
Game 2: I destruct his hand and control board for game.
Game 3: It came down to 2 cards in my hand (MST + Hornet) and 2 cards on his side of the board (Debris Dragon, Librarian and 1 set S/T). During my DP I drew into Centipede; I was contemplating on either playing MST or not because I thought it may have been a CotH and didnt want him to get a +1 since he had a Goblin Zombie in his grave so I decided to not play MST yet and to go ahead and just normal summon Centipede. When I did, he activated Compulsory Evacuation Device and I scooped to him. :(
Round 5 vs James (T.G. Stun) OO
Game 1: Wind-Ups -3 in his hand then Inzektors control board ftw.
Game 2: Royal Decree did most of the support for my Inzektor control. However I think he just didnt want to carry the undefeated curse into Top8. ;)
Top 8 vs Houawa (Monster Madness!) OO (this was a rematch from the Wednesday Tourney)
Game 1: He was able to pull off some pretty good plays but because I had my Trap support I was able to win.
Game 2: He opened with Venus, pulled out 3x Shine Balls and went into Gachi, stalled me for a bit and I took a bit of damage from his Gallis Star Beast burns but I was able to wait it out and draw my Hornet to get a good comback by clearing his field and hand to win it.
Top 4 vs TeamKhang_CNK (T.G. Stun) XOO (we were playing forrealz this time)
Game 1: He won the dice roll, set a bunch in the s/t zone with a face up Rhino. I had nothing to stop him even though I tried to pull a victory out of my ass that didnt work...
Game 2: Before G2 started, he asked me to play serious. We started off kinda slow but by turn 3 I was able to start clearing his field and controlled his hand ftw.
Game 3: I opened with Royal Decree including my Inzektors and even though I went 2nd, Decree was able to stop all his traps by turn 3 before I made my Inzektor plays. Luckily he didnt have any MST. I controlled and still destroyed his trap cards even though he couldnt put them in play because I didnt want him to top deck a heavy storm or MST. He also forgot to drop TG Warwolf when I did my Wind-Up plays so it was GG for him.
Playing for 1st vs Andrew (Wind-ups) OXO
Game 1: He attempts to control my hand first turn since he won the dice roll but luckily I opened with a Maxx "C" to stop his play and came back with my own combo. Had kind of a broken hand which consist of Hornet, Dragonfly, Foolish Burial, Pot of Avarice and Instant Fusion...So you know what happened.
Game 2: He didnt open into his Wind-Up plays at all however he opened with 2 Maxx "C" and was able to stop all my plays. It was a struggling war and he won G2.
Game 3: I was able to control early in game however I couldnt end the game as he keep top decking into Rats and Wind-up Warriors which was stronger than my Hunter and ZenMaighties. He had the upper hand with Warrior and Zenmaighty, however I top decked into Tour Guide and went into Zenmaines to clear his field. Next turn he responded with cyber dragon + Shark = Tirus, Keeper of Armageddon. I took a few blows but when Tirus was all out of materials, I was able to come back and win with Dragonfly + Hornet that was in my grave.
Results, 4-1 in swiss rounds, took 1st in top8, ORCS sealed box as prize!
Overall thoughts; I played all good decks! I'm very satisfied with my current build. Compulsory Evac and PWWB helped me A LOT throughout the day. During Round 3 I was able to Compulsory Lou's Zenmaines to get a comeback. In Round 1 I PWWB Tony's Wind-Up Hunter and left him with a Rat in defense mode. I love using these two cards because they kinda have a "What?" or a "uMad bro?" response after activation which also = :) for me...
Advice, try the deck out. There are a lot of plays to make and dont auto pilot it! Even though it's kind of auto-pilot...
Whats next? I've been thinking about making a full Inzektor build that seem to have caught my interest that I've also been testing. LMK if you guys are interested in Inzektor OTK?!